Bizcaps Tender Line Manager™ (TLM): A System to Manage Tender Line-Items

Simplify and Streamline Line-Item Tendering With Our Healthcare Tender Line Management Software

Fact: The conduct of healthcare tender preparation and award of product line information is effort-intensive for both buyers and suppliers.

The adoption of the GS1 National Product Catalogue (NPC) by important healthcare buying organisations across Australia and New Zealand in recent years has provided much-needed motivation for suppliers to improve the quality and currency of their product data, as buyers collaborate with them to resolve discrepancies between different versions of master data.

One of the key data sources currently being synchronised with NPC data by recipients is product line item information for state contracts. At present, this data is prepared manually and held in various spreadsheet formats by state contract management and sourcing teams.

Of course, these manual, labour-intensive tendering tasks reduce the efficiency, consistency, accuracy and timeliness of tender preparation, assessment and award processes.

Tender Line Manager (TLM) – Bizcaps’ healthcare tender management system – simplifies, streamlines and automates the tasks involved in tender line-item management, helping healthcare buyers and suppliers to improve efficiencies and outcomes across their tender management processes.

TLM presents a unified view to both recipients and suppliers through a single online portal.

Healthcare Tender Line Management Software to Manage Product Information With Ease

TLM addresses the complexities of managing the large volume of specialised line-items across multiple product categories that is typical in Australian healthcare sector procurement.

Using TLM, suppliers and buyers can effectively operate from the same version of validated product line-item information throughout the life of the contract. Utilising already published NPC data, and supporting NPC compliance, TLM eliminates data duplication, ensures accuracy and enables synchronicity across jurisdictions – all within expedited timeframes.

Powerful Workflow Automation For Your Tender Line Item Management

TLM streamlines tender product line item management processes using intuitive automation of tasks and alerts, increasing efficiencies and minimising time-consuming and error-prone manual processes.

By eliminating the need to maintain and upload spreadsheet-based pricing schedules for the life of the contract, TLM makes tender line item management faster, easier and more effective via powerful workflow automation.

Secure Data Integration to Enhance Product Line Item Management

TLM provides secure data integration with a range of platforms, including the National Product Catalogue (NPC), MCIS™ recipient catalogues, and MS Office.

In addition, integration of recipient-side data sources e.g. sales volume per category, makes it quicker and easier to perform a wide range of tasks involved in tender management.

Simplify Tasks for RFTs, Contract Awards and Pricing Schedules

With TLM, important areas such as RFTs, contract awards and pricing schedules are greatly simplified, with more speed, efficiency, consistency and accuracy across tender preparation, assessment and award processes.

By streamlining the process of collating responses and selecting awards, TLM helps you perform these tasks with ease, increasing accuracy while minimising manual tasks, errors and duplication.

Bizcaps Tender Line Manager (TLM) can make tendering easier and more efficient in your organisation.

Key Features of Bizcaps Tender Line Manager™ (TLM)
Intuitive browser-based user interface for all your tender line management processes
Secure integration with NPC, MCIS™ recipient catalogues, MS Office
Automation of tender line-item management tasks and alerts
Product/category profile builder
Storage and retrieval of tender history
Integration of recipient-side data sources e.g. sales volume per category
Capability for managing kit and convenience pack data
Referee tracking

Real-time task-level status reporting

A Single Online Tender Line Management Portal For Buyers

Instead of their sourcing teams preparing and distributing worksheet-based tender response forms to potential suppliers, and then manually collating a vast array of product line item data into worksheet-based pricing schedules to pass onto their procurement departments, buyers can access and utilise all the line-item data they need in a single online portal.

For buyers, a centralised portal brings immediate benefits with improved efficiency, consistency, accuracy and timeliness of tender preparation, assessment and award processes.

Standardised Tendering Mechanism For Suppliers

With TLM, suppliers benefit from a standardised mechanism for line-item tendering that accommodates inter-jurisdictional differences, and replaces seven different jurisdictional tendering systems, each with their own format and data requirements.

What’s more, decreased tender response times re-enforces the business benefits of suppliers uploading their product data to the NPC, leading to more suppliers proactively loading products and maintaining data quality.

Expertise in Healthcare Tender Line Management

Partnering with Bizcaps, you get the benefit of our extensive healthcare industry experience, which includes strong partnerships with more than half of Australia’s state health departments.

Our expertise in the healthcare sector is supported by deep knowledge of GS1 global data synchronisation standards and the National Product Catalogue (NPC).

I have never seen anything so complex in the way that catalogues are currently enabled.  This is welcomed to capture all required actions and reduce the duplication of information
Category Manager, NSW

Discover how TLM saves time, effort and resources by:


Streamlining the preparation of tender documentation by sourcing teams


Utilising published NPC data to select/monitor product data quality compliance


Allowing controlled definition and collection of response information not held on the NPC


Ensuring that response information is regularly reviewed by data owners


Supporting much greater re-use of validated product line-item data


Streamlining the process of collating responses and selecting awards


Improving the productivity of response teams


Eliminating the need to maintain and upload spreadsheet-based pricing schedules for the life of the contract


Automatically recording amendments for the life of each contract


Providing suppliers with a simple method of nominating distribution channel information for products submitted


Sharing product category and query structures and texts between jurisdictions


Automatically producing contract transition documentation

Ensure your business has accurate and authentic supplier information automatically synchronised with your existing systems